Combined Districts Karting Club

Get Well Soon – Paul Giuntini

paulI am sure that everyone knows someone that has been affected by cancer in some way shape or form.  In the recent weeks former President of CDKC, Paul Giuntini, has been diagnosed with bowel cancer .  I am pleased to report that Paul has had surgery late last week, the operation went well and the doctors are pleased with his progress.

Generally speaking women are much better at talking about cancer and do a fabulous job raising awareness and making it part of their medical routines to have a range of tests performed on a regular basis.  As a club we support one such charity – National Breast Cancer Foundation by raising over $150k for research over the past 8 years.

Paul has asked that all men be aware of the benefits of early detection of bowel cancer.  There are tests that can be done to assist with early intervention.  For more information visit.

On behalf of CDKC and all its members we wish Paul a speedy recovery.  Our thoughts are with Paul and his family, Tracy, Matthew & Aaron during this time.