This information applies to CLUB DAYS only, other meetings as per Sup Regs.
CDKC Entries will be accepted on KNSW Entry Portal until the Wednesday night preceding a race meeting.
If you have pre entered and your circumstances change to prevent you from racing we will credit or refund your entry provided you have notified the president or race secretary via email by 5.00pm the day before the race meeting.
You must have a KNSW Licence to enter our events. If you do not have one, an “event licence” is available and valid for the event and 1 practice day. Your licence can generally be completed on line via the KNSW website.
- Complete the written Driving-Test and email it to [email protected]. (When answering the flag questions please describe the meaning of the flag and, what actions the driver will take).
- Sign on to practice and have your kart race ready including race transponder.
- Organise with the OLT official on the day a time for briefing and observed test.
- During the observed Driving test you must show that you meet the standard required for safety, ability and understanding flags/lights & your obligations as a licence holder. 20220705-Driving-Test-Endorsement-Policy-v1.0
A compatible transponder must be fitted to all karts for racing and the practice day preceding a race meeting (if you are entered to race). The club has a limited number of transponders available for hire @$30.00 per race meeting (please make sure your kart has the correct transponder mounting bracket to avoid any damage to the transponder). If you intend to hire a club transponder, please add the “Transponder Hire Product” when entering the race meeting on-line. A number will be allocated to you, your transponder will be available for pick up at the track.
Scrutineer form completion is now a part of the entry process. For “Club Day” race meeting we do not require Tyre barcodes, chassis numbers or engine numbers unless notified. You are very welcome to have the Scrutineer check your kart for any items you are unsure of.
If you are a D grade licence holder your kart will need to be scrutineered physically by the race meeting scrutineer before the start of racing. Generally, this can be done from 3.00pm on the Saturday prior to racing or Sunday morning from 7.00am, we strongly suggest you get this done Saturday if possible.
Most race meetings are Sunday only events. Practice is available the prior to the meeting, a separate “Practice Sign On” is re required for any practice day at Lithgow. Practice runs from 9.00am to 4.00pm and will be split into the relevant age/licence groups. Depending on numbers may be split further. The Safety Light system is in use on Saturday practice of race weekend’s, and practice is controlled from the timing box. If you receive a flag that requires you to see an official, you must go to the “Timing Box”.
We use the Race America Safety Light system in place of most flags at 4 points around the track and a larger light board at the finish line for other official flag signals, please make yourself aware of the Safety Light locations and familiar with the meaning of each. Please come and ask for a demonstration of the lights if unsure.
- Completed on-line entry and received confirmation.
- Organized to hire a club transponder if required.
- Completed on-line Scrutineer form, now part of the entry process (for club days we do not require engine or chassis number or tyre codes)
- Organized License test (OLT) if required.
- Signed on for Saturday practice if required (this is not part of a normal club day entry fee)
- Have kart physically scrutineered at the track if you are a D grade license holder.
- Reach out and ask any questions if you need to
- We will send an email to all entrants Friday prior to the meeting with helpful information (make sure your contact email is correct in your licence profile)
- Enjoy your racing at Lithgow.